expansion mastermind ꩜ spring ‘25

The life and business you desire require the most expanded, visionary version of you to exist.

12–week high–touch group coaching journey for visionaries who want to align the business they wan to lead, with the life they want to live.


(11 seats only)

You are here for a reason

And it’s not to burn out and forget the power within you, the essence of who you are, and the seed that your business is here to plant.

This is a container for the brave founders that want to build a business that creates as much profit as it does freedom.

Through 3 months of intimate group coaching, accountability, community, somatics, and momentum, you’ll create the business—and life—that made you take the leap and start this in the first place.

You started this for freedom, remember?


Expansion Fall ‘24 sold out in 12 hours flat. Be the first to know when the doors open for our Spring session, and access Expansion’s most loved training: Money Management + Mindset fundamentals, and 2nd chakra codes.

Thank you for subscribing!



Your life vision is clear, but you know it demands a shift in your identity as a leader.

You feel that change is needed to end the self-doubt cycle, but the how is unclear.

You recognize your own potential, yet "something" is holding you back.


The queen of notes, of the million ideas, the moodboards. You know what you want to create, but there’s a gap between ideas and execution.

You have the big picture in mind, but you're overwhelmed by the journey's scale, and the little details you obsess over have no impact on that big vision.


You took the bold leap into the freelance world (perhaps while still clinging to a couple of unfulfilling “gigs”), and there’s no turning back.

You had the bravery to start and found some flow, but now you’re drowning in day-to-day operations, and have a hard time prioritizing what to do each day.


You have so much to say that don’t even know where to start.

You crave a bigger stage, yet fear and self-doubt keep you from showing up authentically, online and off.

You know your tribe is out there, and your message is powerful, but sharing your voice feels terrifying.


You’re a natural leader, but somewhere along the way, you got too comfortable being led.

Courses, podcasts, workshops, this and that, but deep down you know you’re snoozing on the main thing: taking action.

You crave a space to let loose and stay accountable, but you haven’t found it (yet ☺︎).


You absolutely love what you do, and and your passion is contagious. You’re on the right path. But you wonder, too often,

“There’s gotta be a better way”

“A simpler way”

“One that actually feels good”

And there is, I promise.


On the outside, it looks like you’ve got it all together.

On the inside, the story is different.

The version of you that started your business, is not the same version of you that wants to lead it now.

There’s a dissonance between who you think you are, and who you truly are.

Expansion is a portal for the ones with the courage to remember and embody the latter.


melanie – artist, mentor

anna – multimedia artist

Donna – founder of skin by donna

isabella – founder of vagabond studio

Julissa – Coach

andrea – designer, founder of quinta paraiso


This year, when I brought all my 1:1 coaching clients together, everything changed.

I saw their focus sharpen, mindset blocks dissolve, and how bravely they took leaps—all by being in the right community.

The collective excitement was electric—and I felt too, more motivated than ever.

At some point the breakthroughs were so profound that I created a vault of somatic resources (The Vault) to help them regulate and explore somatic modalities on their own.

I saw how they equipped themselves with the right tools, built discipline through their morning practice, and transformed their relationship with fear.

I saw how their nervous systems began to change too, and how suddenly things were “just happening.”

They finally felt safe in their leadership, breaking the fear of being seen by seeing themselves as they truly were.

A space to let loose.

Not only their minds, but their whole bodies were finally ready to re-write the outdated mental narratives.

It was alchemical.

But what really shifted? ꩜

The level of accountability and commitment was unmatched.

Progress was monumental—breakthroughs, consistency, self-organization, 30-day challenges, landing client after client, doubling and tripling their incomes, hosting content creation co-working sessions with each other—a next-level commitment.

When Expansion ended, we all craved the group’s energy, support, celebration, relatability, and mostly, the feeling that we’re not alone in this.

We craved the feeling of belonging.

So, I transformed my 1:1 coaching program into this Mastermind—a hybrid of everything that has alchemized my clients' visions (and my own), with a community element that catalyzes commitment.

And of course, sprinkled with my type of energetics, because we’re all high priestesses here.

As a coach and someone who’s walking this path with you, I’ve learned that once commitment is unlocked, our potential becomes boundless.

I’m looking for 11 highly committed visionaries willing to turn fear into fuel.

And, if you’re reading this now before anyone else, I consider you someone who will expand and elevate this community.

You’re here, now, because you’ve been thoughtfully invited to co-create this space with a group of incredible humans.

Each of you has been mindfully aligned to expand the group as a whole. Every single person on the waitlist feels like such an Expander.

It would be my greatest pleasure to share this process of becoming with you.

If you’ve made it here, something is speaking to you.

This is an invitation to step into a version of yourself you can’t recognize yet.

I’ll be in your life for the next 3 months (and beyond ♡) as your mentor, business coach, and sister, alongside a community of visionaries building the life they want.

Spaces like these allow people like us to vision-hold each other and co-create our reality together.

Cheers to your inevitable Expansion.


Expansion Spring ‘25 Mastermind


Early April




12 weeks



12pm EST – 6PM CEST

(Replays available)









or $350 x 4 months


Expansion Fall ‘24 sold out in 12 hours flat. Be the first to know when the doors open for our Spring session, and access Expansion’s most loved training: Money Management + Mindset fundamentals, and 2nd chakra codes.

Thank you for subscribing!


I’ve designed Expansion after the four pillars of transformation that have profoundly impacted my life and the lives of my coaching clients:

¹ self-study ² mentoring ³ community ⁴ somatics

¹ self-study ² mentoring ³ community ⁴ somatics



Every Sunday for the next 12 weeks, a new lesson will be available in your Expansion Portal. You'll have the entire week to study the material and complete the "homework" at your own pace.

Each week's theme builds on the last, allowing you to slowly integrate the Expansion process. All trainings are pre-recorded in high-quality audio and video, so you can learn at your preferred focus times.

Yup, you read it right, no need to readjust your schedule for "live zoom group trainings."

Self-study is a powerful force that honors everyone’s different learning styles, rhythms, and schedules.


Live coaching

Every Thursday 12pm EST/6pm CEST, we have our live group coaching calls—90 minutes of individual hot seat coaching and group discussion to ask all your questions on that week's topic, navigate challenges, and receive support or feedback from me.

This is the most magical aspect I’ve seen in past Expansion seasons: Sharing and co-creating with a small group of expanders will help you build the confidence, self-trust, and accountability you crave.

This is your place to be heard and seen, and to seek personalized coaching from me in real time, every week. I’ve capped expansion at 11 participants so it’s an intimate container, and to ensure you always get 1:1 live time with me.



During the week (and for the entire three months), you’ll have our always-on community platform to ask questions, share your homework, celebrate together, build community, deepen relationships with other expanders, and tap into the most potent antidote for stagnation: accountability.

Something very powerful happened when I added all my coaching clients into a group chat, and I’m taking it to the next level with a whole community platform for you to resource each other.

You’ll also have access to me via our platform to submit materials, concepts, plans, get direct feedback from me, or navigate any challenge that pops up, together.

This piece is priceless; there is nothing more fulfilling than building a co-created community space of trust, possibility, commitment and vision. A network of expanders.



Over the 12 weeks, you will feel resistance as you shift your self-concept and dive deep into mindset work. As our sense of self expands, so does the need to support our nervous system.

That’s why you’ll have access to a Somatic Vault filled with pre-recorded rituals, exercises, kriyas, and other healing modalities that I’ve designed and recorded to build flexibility in your nervous system and help you cultivate a personal practice that deepens your "why."

When I tapped into Somatic Work, everything shifted. We’re working on expanding our capacity to have more, and that begins by expanding our capacity to hold more.

You’ll have this vault available for 4 months, so you can keep integrating and expanding when expansion is over. By then, morning practice will be second nature, I promise.

What really hit close to my heart was THE mindset shift. It was a magical, inspiring and transformative time for me. I never wanted it to end.

– Valeria Nava
Founder of Foorma

Expansion was truly one of the most growth-inducing experiences I’ve had. Before working with Maia I was 100% devoted to my job and everything outside of that was just like a bonus. Time for my health, my community, my family and holiday time for myself had taken a real back seat.

I knew I had to change something and was very inspired by Maia taking full control of her life. After working with her, I got to see the tools she used to expand in her own life and create the business that works for her benefit and not the other way around.

I now feel the confidence to create that for myself and the empowerment to set healthy boundaries between me and any work I choose to do, never again forgetting what it means to have ownership over my own time.

Since I took Expansion, I tripled my income, and the feedback I’ve received is entirely positive. I boosted my own confidence by completing my own goals, I found a lot of solace and joy and affirmation within the group and in the relationships we established between everyone taking Expansion, and I saw my ability to express my ideas change with that newfound sense of confidence - it brought a lot of clarity, knowing the full breadth of my potential.

– Melanie Garcia
Mentor, Artist

Maia is gonna revolutionize your identity, business and your ideas. Working with her feels like a rollercoaster of excitement, facing your fears, getting to know yourself at deeper levels, and her sensitivity it’s gonna see through you.

Her structure, creative ideas, the way she saw me, I felt seen, I felt like she could see a version of me that I didn’t quite see and she helped me visualize it and bring it to life.

She’s so powerful, inspiring and creative. Only being in her energy gives you a shift. Working with her was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

– Jeslin
Actress, founder of Souling

Body of work

Access to the Expansion self–study course: 12 pre-recorded modules, dripped every Sunday at 9am EST.


12 x 90-minute live group coaching calls + recordings with me, to bring your questions for live, individual coaching, and practice being seen and heard with others doing the work with you.


Private community platform: The heart of the experience is our always on community for unlimited on-the-go support, feedback, co-creation, and integration.


Exclusive Expansion Material: Notion resources, workbooks, and custom modalities (curated based on your cohort’s needs).


1:1 mentoring: Through our community platform to submit materials, ideas, calendars, receive direct feedback from me or navigate challenges in a 1:1 setting.

Pocket mentoring, sometimes deep and supportive, sometimes razor sharp and strategic.


Access to the Vault: Our ever growing library of somatic exercises, tapping, meditations, autosuggestions, visualizations, yin yoga sequences, rituals, morning practice routines, and more somatic modalities.


Access to my close friends list: See how I run Blank Page and apply Expansion principles on the daily. Edutainment content, for your eyes only.

Get a front-row seat to my behind the scenes while I have a front-row seat to yours.


2 x Guest Speakers: One of them is my Somatic Therapist. She will re-wire your body. The other one will be invited based on your cohort’s needs.


The Expanders you’ve been looking for: Priceless. A small group of 11 visionaries for high–touch, individual coaching and intimate support. The community you’ve always craved.



An opportunity: To change your life, and jump into the drivers seat for $2000 $1,400. One, one beautiful life. That’s all we’ve got.


  • We land with an opening group call for introductions and setting intentions. You’ll gain access to your Expansion Notion dashboard, a resource you’ll build out week by week, with the aim of having a robust, integrated system by the 12th week.

    As always, we start with vision. This week, we’ll audit where you currently stand regarding time, freedom, income, and energy.

    The self–study training will help you become crystal clear on the lifestyle you want to create and reverse engineer your business (and 2025 business goals) based on that vision.

    In our group coaching call and community chat, we’ll discuss different business models that align with various lifestyles.

    Your homework this week is to land, and set up your Expansion Notion Dashboard with a clear vision in mind.

    This will be your north for the rest of the experience (And onward).

  • Now that your vision is clear and you have a sense of your current position regarding time, freedom, income, and energy, it’s time to learn how to call your energy back

    This week, you’ll dive into the fundamentals of nervous system regulation and build your first (and most important) toolbox to expand your window of tolerance: a morning practice.

    This week's goal is to identify your energy leaks at their roots and start transforming them through a morning practice that you’ll commit to for the next 11 weeks (and beyond).

    Think of your business as a bucket. If there are holes—like weak boundaries, unclear offers, outdated money mindsets, or a poor customer journey—no matter how much water you pour in, everything leaks out.

    This week is about expanding your capacity to hold more and repairing the cracks in your vessel (business) through somatics and mindset work.

    You'll meet my somatic therapist, Isabel, and share your experience with these tools through the community + group coaching.

    Your only homework is to build a morning practice you'll commit to from now on.

  • Let’s learn how to bend time and make it as elastic as possible. I’ll guide you through how I set up my calendar and how to design your schedule for time freedom.

    You’ll discover the concept of CEO time, or “Focus” time, and how to ensure you’re carving out at least an hour of focused time every day.

    I’ll share my best practices for time and energy management, blending classic time management techniques with my own energetic approaches.

    You’ll define your unique version of consistency and capacity, designing your life around your personal boundaries.

    In the community + group coaching, we will discuss how to adapt these principles to fit your own life, using different calendars and schedules.

    Your homework is to set up your calendar and submit it in the group chat.

    Throughout the week and during our group coaching calls, we’ll check in on how these new systems are working for you and explore additional energy management techniques that have been effective for me.

  • We’ve cast the vision, reclaimed our energy, and cleared space on your calendar.

    Now, what do we do with all this time and energy?

    We buy back even more time by learning how to focus on what truly matters.

    This week is about mastering the art of prioritization, finding your flow, and getting into the deep rest/deep focus mindset. You’ll learn how to recognize procrastination—or “kryptonite tasks,” as I call them—and build a flow to snap out of it.

    It’s about doing one thing at a time, moving faster but with more calm. Less, but better.

    We’ll learn more about what our procrastination is trying to tell us, and address resistance from the root.

    In the self–study training, I’ll guide you in building a to-do system (task manager) that aligns with your lifestyle and energy, using your Expansion Notion dashboard. I’ll also share how I plan my days to focus on what’s truly important for moving the vision forward.

    In the community chat and coaching calls, we’ll discuss the resistances that come up when doing less. The mind always rebels against doing less, and the invitation here is to get curious about what that resistance is trying to tell us.

    By this point, you’ll have the resources from the Vault (somatic practices) and your morning practice, so you can quickly shift from being in your head to being in your body.

    Your homework this week is to do less, but better. We will keep each other accountable on this very difficult task.

  • During the first month of Expansion, you’ll gradually gather enough data to audit:

    ⌾ How you generate revenue (and how much of it)

    ⌾ How you deliver your offerings (and how much of YOUR time it takes)

    ⌾ How you envision scaling your impact (without scaling YOUR workload)

    ⌾ How much profit you keep (after paying expenses, your team, and yourself)

    ⌾ How much freedom and flexibility you currently have

    And with this clarity, we can start seeing patterns, and start breaking them.

    This week is all about understanding the anatomy of a healthy offer ecosystem and optimizing your service suite. Whether you’re a service provider or have a product-based business, you have an offer ecosystem. The quality of that ecosystem directly influences the quality of your life.

    At Blank Page, my focus has been on increasing the LTV (lifetime value) of my community. This means focusing not on acquiring more clients, more audience, or more reach, but on deepening the loyalty of the community I already have.

    I’ll share my tools and insights I've gathered through the years so you can build a business that thrives on repeat customers and an invested community.

    When you create an offer suite that seamlessly integrates all your offers, your clients can easily transition from one service/product to the next. What do they need before working with me? What do they need after?

    In our group chat and coaching sessions, we’ll brainstorm offer ideas, share our current ones, and explore how to simplify our offer suites to maximize impact sustainably.

    Every good offer ecosystem needs an entry point: a freebie, a taste of what working with you actually feels like. We'll return to this on week nine though.

  • The biggest shift this week will be moving from “Here’s what I can do for you” (leading with skills) to “Here’s who you will become after working with me” (leading with expertise).

    This week, we’ll get crystal clear on your promise, your transformation—how your services take your clients from point A to point B.

    As a resource, I’ll share my A to B framework (aligned 90 clients will know ♡) so you can start mapping out what your transformation, and promise is, and create (or refine) a core offer that can deliver that transformation without scaling your workload.

    Right now, you might be doing a lot of custom proposals, switching gears to meet your clients’ needs, saying yes to all projects, and handling it all on your own.

    Here’s where the core offer is a game changer.

    We want to create (or elevate) your main service, the “thing” you’re known for—the way you deliver your expertise, whether it's design, 1:1 services, a program, coaching, mentoring, etc.—so your clients can experience that transformation consistently.

    We’ll consolidate this into a repeatable, scalable offer that you can deliver again and again, and here’s where the magic happens.

    (This is where marketing also gets infinitely easier)

    This will not only streamline your workflow and client journey, but it will also be way easier to run, and have a greater impact on your clients' lives.

    In the group chat and on our group call, we’ll brainstorm, refine and share our core offers together.

    With more clarity on your offer’s transformation, we’ll create messaging that aligns with what you offer, helping you attract aligned clients, customers, and collaborators. But more on messaging and voice next week.

    This weeks homework is to polish your core offer, and keep simplifying your offer ecosystem.

  • If you have an offer-to-audience misalignment, your business, offers, and transformation can be amazing, but they’re not reaching the right people.

    This week, we will learn how to crack your voice with resonance.

    Not only in business, but in life, who are you, before the world shaped the idea of you?

    Finding your voice is not about creating an “online avatar”; it’s about finding a way to accurately represent yourself.

    You’ll start feeling the resistance that comes with being seen in a more authentic way, and that’s why I’ll talk about 5th chakra codes: throat chakra, your voice, self-expression, and word.

    I’ll give you the tools so you can discover what your true essence and messaging sound like, and we’re going to be doing a lot of creative writing to develop your true voice and give it the resonance it needs so it reaches its people.

    While next week we will focus on expanding that message, this week is all about remembering who you are, what your message sounds like, and breaking the fear of being seen by seeing yourself as you truly are.

    I'll add some resources from the most incredible copywriter I’ve met, Lois from Up Club, into the vault, so you can start using her magic in your own messaging and remove the self-censorship and fear of being seen that you’ve had for years.

    I cannot explain the confidence that owning your message gives you.

    This week, you'll practice sharing your voice, and you'll come up with the messaging for your core offer.

  • My take on social media and content creation.

    In the self-study training, you’ll learn how to create content with resonance, find your unique style, plan your content according to your capacity, add storytelling to your strategy, and make social media way, way more chill than it is right now.

    I’ll share my workflows for efficiency (including my content creation Notion page!) and my best practices for sustainable social media, digital boundaries necessary for growing an online business with ease, and community-building, along with other practices for making social media a high-impact, low-lift way to ground your business.

    I’ll introduce a framework that has been incredibly useful for me in creating content with ease: we’ll get to know your audience so you can create content that truly serves them.

    In the group chat and coaching call, we’ll continue addressing the blockages and resistances that have come up over the past weeks, and I’d love to help you conceptualize some stories or posts to share your freebie.

    It’s time to break the fear of being seen, once and for all.

    No homework this week, just integration and preparation to share your freebie in the next weeks.

  • Community Building Week ♡

    With clarity on messaging and offers, we'll share with your community a little taste of what working with you feels like.

    This week, we will get super clear on your community. Who are they? What are their goals and passions? What struggles are they going through? And how can you be an expander for them?

    Creating freebies that show my community what I’m about on a deeper level has been such a beautiful way to build trust within my own tribe and turn community members into loyal clients.

    I want to teach you some best practices for community building, my way.

    How can we become a resource for people who want to go through the transformation that we promise?

    This week, we will brainstorm freebie ideas. The homework is to create a community resource that reflects your vibe and expertise to your community, and shows what your core offer could do if they choose to work with you.

    We’re going to focus on the minimum viable freebie—something simple but impactful: a WhatsApp group challenge, a PDF, an IG highlight, a workshop, a tutorial, a guide, a newsletter, etc.

    We will melt perfectionism into action and create something simple, unique, easy to run, but with as much impact as possible.

    With a clear core offer, supportive systems, a regulated nervous system, endless resources, and a clear voice, I promise you'll intuitively create a freebie that will lead to trust and, eventually, sales.

    The homework is to share freebie ideas with each other, and create it.

  • While we build our freebie, we’re going to do some heavy internal work: re-wire your brain for abundance consciousness (versus scarcity consciousness) and learn about money management as the tool that can (and will) make your vision come true.

    I always say this: you can’t grow what you can’t track, and this system is all about clarity.

    In the training, we will go through a specific strategy to manage your finances and actually watch your money grow: the profit first system.

    Or, learning how to give your money a job (because money loves having a job).

    This system changed the game for me. I learned how to pay myself (versus thinking that money left in my account was "profit") and changed the way I relate to money in general.

    On the energetics side, we’ll study second chakra codes: In the context of money and wealth, the second chakra's influence extends to the dynamism with which we manage our finances.

    It affects how we perceive the value of money and our (dis)comfort with making more money. It’s the creativity, personal power, sex, and money powerhouse. Our relationship to it might have a lot to do with how we perceive our worth.

    So more than working with money, we’ll work with our worth and open our energy for receiving more (while also learning about the strategic side of money management).

    I’ve left this training towards the end because having awareness and clarity on other blockages in your life will make it very obvious what your hidden agenda is towards making more money.

    Our homework is to keep working on our freebie, we will be launching it during the following weeks.

    The chat + coaching call will support your breakthroughs. This week will be like alchemy.

  • You have absolutely all the tools.

    And not only that, by now you have a community that feels like a backbone.

    I’ve designed Expansion with one ambitious goal in mind: to help you jump into action now and kick off momentum for good.

    Not when you’re ready, not when it’s perfect. You are ready now.

    You know enough about yourself. Now, the only thing left to do is turn all that self-awareness into the fuel that will light the fire in your belly and push you into a wave of momentum you’ve never felt before.

    This is a less-is-more container where, by being in the right community, you’ll feel the expansion effect: Seeing other expanders inside the program break fears is a powerful motivator.

    It's a feedback loop, and the upward spiral is hard to stop once it’s in motion.

    So this week, we practice that. We’re going to share our freebie with the world.

    Lots of space this week for integration and reflections.

    The only homework is to share your freebie courageously.

  • We close as we started: with the vision.

    How have you changed since you began this journey? We will make sure that your Notion dashboard is complete and ready to support you moving forward.

    I’ll share with you a 12-month integration guide, a resource that will help you integrate everything we’ve learned and stay consistent over the next year.

    The vault and group chat will remain open for the next month, so you can continue integrating and supporting one another.

    In the training, I’ll teach you how I plan my quarters and years, and how I aim to take at least 3 weeks off every quarter and 4 days off every month.

    We’ll discuss best practices for capacity planning and how to scale sustainably moving forward.

    We’ll close the 12-12 with a ritual that, every time I do it, the floodgates open. I can’t wait to see who we all become.

hello my love

Let’s make it super clear: You didn’t start this for the “girl boss” energy.

You’re in it for freedom.

Like you, my goal is freedom.

My dream is to live in the Italian countryside, grow my own food, and make money while I sleep, sustaining my family with the business foundations I built in my 20s and 30s.

I’m on track, and this is my promise to you:

I’m here to help you build a business that doesn’t consume your life.

I want to equip you with the systems, digital organization, mindset, and nervous system resilience you need to work less than 20 hours a week while consistently putting aside money in your FFA* toward your dreams.

(Financial Freedom Account*—we’ll dive deep into this inside Expansion ♡)

I’ve combined the most transformative modalities, technical skills, business strategies, and my own hard-won learnings into this container I call Expansion.

So, more than a “course” or “program,” Expansion is a process of becoming.

Twelve weeks, each theme a rite of passage, building upon the last to clarify the lifestyle you want and reverse-engineer your 2025 business goals (and beyond) based on that vision.

That’s the power of a well-designed business model suited to the life you crave—it gives you the breathing space to live life on your terms.

So, instead of doing “more,” Expansion is about returning to the roots.

Doing less. Simplifying.

If your only goal is to be a millionaire, sorry, that’s not my main goal. My goal isn’t just money. My goal is wealth—to buy the home of my dreams and run a business that lets me take MONTHS off whenever I want.

I wish I’d known this sooner, but no template, virtual assistant, course, podcast, or coaching program will make any difference if you’re not focused on this one thing:

Shifting perfectionism into action.

Expansion is your playground to practice breaking the fear of being seen, supported by next-level accountability.

Picture this: three months dedicated to building the life you want, surrounded by womxn like you and me. Just imagine who you could become.

So excited to meet you ♡

So, are we doing this?

If you're committed and ready to move past your fears and jump into this portal, I promise you'll look back and wonder, “How did I ever doubt myself?”

Cheers to your inevitable expansion 🏴‍☠️


Expansion Fall ‘24 sold out in 12 hours flat. Be the first to know when the doors open for our Spring session, and access Expansion’s most loved training: Money Management + Mindset fundamentals, and 2nd chakra codes.

Thank you for subscribing!